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Glove Sets GSX93
  • Glove Sets GSX93

Glove Sets GSX93

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Meo Textile Clothing Co.LTD
Meo Textile Clothing Co.LTD
China - Hangzhou
Trade Capacity
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Accepted Delivery Terms
101-200 people
Accepted Payment Currency
Average Lead Time
60 Day(s)
Product Specifications
Product Description
1.Advanced coin operated function 2.Intelligent computer chip control. 3.Security, Open the cover,the machine can stop 4.Whole gray appearance, brown transparent cover, silver decorative panels 5. Correct dehydration balance system automatically 6.Time, fault intelligent LED display 7.Full cycle waterfall, stereo scour water 8. Four kinds of washing program 9. Oblique muscle antibacterial stainless steel inner barrel 10.Imported polymer plastic box, high strength, corrosion never deformation 11.double built-in line filter debris12.Turn barrel twist Wash hands,High wash rate
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ToEric Zhang
Meo Textile Clothing Co.LTD
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